Glimpses of Grace

“I thank my God every time I remember you,

constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you.”

–Philippians 1:3-4

This post marks the completion of my blog’s first year.  I began Ordinary Grace in January and at least once each week since have offered a true story that spoke to me, reflection on Scripture that seems relevant to that event, and a prayer.  In launching this endeavor, I had no idea what would come from the experience. I didn’t know if anyone would read it or if I would run out of things to talk about either. Now that we are finishing 12 months in this shared journey, I want to reflect on some of what has unfolded.

In the most basic sense I have found that this blog is a good creative outlet for me. After having written (and delivered) sermons for over three decades, I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed the process. Of course, a post is different from a sermon yet it shares enough traits in the creation and feedback  that I have found it to be a familiar discipline. Yet more than just keeping my mind busy and finding a new outlet for my spiritual musings, I have been blessed by the community it has created.

As of today, there are 230 people who subscribe to the blog and get instant notification of a new post. Among that number are individuals from each of the three congregations I served, members of my extended family, both of my college roommates, two women in their 90s who have known me since 4th grade, and many others I do not know.  What fun!

It has been a joy to read your comments, too. The post describing an ill-fated Sunday morning years ago when I decided to have the congregation sing ‘Rock of Ages” (April 14) generated the most feedback. The one about an unrequested assist from a group of bikers in Milwaukee (July 28) was a close second. And there was the post two months ago (October 27) that generated a comment from a congregant in my last pastorate, a reply from a member of my second parish followed by another word from the first respondent. What a blessing to see people who have never met engage in conversation with each other! Of course, there are others who read a post without subscribing or leaving a comment. I’m grateful for all of you as well. 

AWStats, a tool on my hosting site, suggests the audience is much broader than I could have predicted. If I’m interpreting the data correctly (and I have not confirmed this view with my IT Security nephew) there have been more than 25,000 encounters with the blog representing 11,000 different visitors. There have also been 16 bots or web spiders opening one of my posts as well so it seems likely that not all of my ”readers” are human.

That same web tool reports that there have been visitors from six continents (still waiting on Antarctica) representing at least 25 countries.  The largest number of readers is from the United States, of course, but the next five are from the Russian Federation, Japan, China, India, and Great Britain. 

Readers span the U.S. as well. While I don’t know who is associated with any IP address, another online tool allows me to see the zip code of every visitor. The largest number coming from the Philadelphia area and there are readers from each of the other states in which I have lived for at least a year–North Carolina and Georgia, Virginia and Kentucky. People from Dallas and Boise, New York City and Phoenix, San Francisco and Chicago have logged in, as have individuals from Lake Providence, Louisiana, Quincy, Washington and Kihei, Hawaii. I am humbled by the blog’s reach.

All of this pondering about discovery led me to recall the words from Paul shown above. It’s believed that the Letter to the Philippians was written while that first century apostle was in prison. Despite that setting, the epistle speaks of the joy that arises in him from the memory of time with those believers. “I thank my God every time I remember you,” Paul said at one point, “constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you.” His words describe my feelings well as I complete Year 1 of Ordinary Grace, too, and reflect on your essential part in it.

Thank you for being part of this virtual journey with me. If you think the blog would be of benefit to someone else, point them to it. If you want to share a particular post with your study group or friends, feel free. Most of all, I hope you will continue to read this blog from time-to-time and keep passing on your comments and stories. I read every one and am inspired by your insights, questions, and faith.  

As I begin Year 2 of Ordinary Grace my goal remains the same. Namely, that the blog will cause you (and me) to pay closer attention to everyday events and recognize more of those moments when God is at work in the ordinary, unspectacular events of life. And in the aftermath of such a discovery to stop and give thanks once more for our creative and ever-present Maker. 

Divine Companion, thank you for your presence and work in my life. Help me to grow in recognizing such occasions in the year ahead, as they make clear that I never, ever travel alone. Amen. 

  1. Penne-Ann…

    Thank you for all your blogs, I read them and pass them on, but I do not always comment… They are inspiring and give a bit of help if I am struggling at that time…Also give me a different look at things from what I had previously thought/learned.
    I look forward to more!!!!
    Happy New Year!!!

    1. Thanks for the wonderful feedback and encouragement. I hope you have a wonderful 2025!

  2. Jim Crane

    I’ve enjoyed following your blog, John. It gives me an insight into how you have approached your ministry. Having a friend like you for the past almost 50 years has been a blessing. Thank you!

    1. The feeling is quite mutual, my friend. Enjoy all of your travels in the new year!

  3. Geri McMullin

    Please continue with your “musings”. I have found them very meaningful as I ponder my spiritual life each week. They help to point me to events that I might otherwise ignore. I continue to pray that your postings will touch others as they ponder each blog. Thank you for this gift to all of us whose lives you have touched.

    1. You’re so kind, my friend. Thanks for the encouragement and prayer. Along with spoiling that new great-grandson, I hope your 2025 is filled with much joy!

  4. Jeanne

    You can created a room for me to think about my life – now, earlier or going forward – I feel supported.

    1. Thanks for that wonderful feedback, Jeanne. I’m glad the blog has been helpful for you in that way. Happy New Year!

  5. Catesby

    I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, partly because of the occasional memory it stirs, but mainly because of the wisdom it imparts. Thanks for including me.
    I meant to write a couple of weeks ago in response to your piece about the great “wine” experiment in Mt. Sterling. Despite your repeated admonitions as to the location of the grape juice, I recall one of our ladies — a vehement teetotaler — taking a slug of the “real” grape. Her reaction was predictable, and hilarious.
    Thanks again, and my best to you and your family.

    1. I had forgotten about that part of the Christmas Eve Experiment, Catesby. Thanks for the funny reminder. I appreciate your reading the blog and the continual encouragement. I hope you all have a wonderful 2025!

  6. Sandy Judy

    I have truly enjoyed your weekly blog. It has made me stop and think about God in my life as well as giving me a chuckle at times from your experiences. I will continue to look forward to your year two of Ordinary Grace.

    1. Thanks so much, Sandy. Sorry our paths didn’t cross when I was in Lexington last month. I hope you have a wonderful 2025!

  7. Lanna Waterman

    I have enjoyed and saved every one of your “musings”. Occasionally I have shared them with others. I’m a friend of Dale and Cathy G. I knew them when they lived in Olean, NY and now visit them when I come to AZ. I truly am grateful they have introduced me to your writings.
    Lanna Waterman
    Olean NY

    1. Thanks for making the connection, Lanna. Thanks for reading the blog. Happy New Year!

  8. Berry

    Wow John, time flies and your devotions are well done each week and encouraging. BTW, thank you for the Christmas card as well!
    Happy New Year to everyone!!!

    1. Thanks, cuz. I hope you have a wonderful New Year, too!

  9. Susan Slaninka

    A whole year! Good for you. Hope you will definitely continue writing this blog. Thanks

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Susan. Happy New Year!

  10. Cathy

    I have very much enjoyed your blog. Thank you.

    1. I appreciate your kind words. Happy New Year!

  11. Phil C

    John –
    I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the OG posts throughout 2024. As someone who has the current honor of being a part of a few of your latest life experiences (and someone who cannot keep from speaking his mind), I fully anticipate that some of our antics will make the OG grade one day.

    1. No doubt, Phil!

  12. Ens


    1. You’re the best!

  13. Luan

    It’s hard to believe it’s already been 1 year. Time is passing by so fast. John, I really enjoy your blog and miss seeing you and your family. Here’s to another year of meaningful blogs.

    1. Thanks, Luan. I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. Have fun in 2025 spoiling those grandbabies!

  14. Carol

    What a wonderful thing to take the first step a year ago and now learn of all the people (and a few bots) you have touched. You have a new ministry, John. I miss your Sunday sermons, but look forward to your blog. Blessings to you and your family for a wonderful New Year.

    1. You’re very kind, Carol. I hope you have a blessed New Year, too!

  15. Don Lincoln

    Thanks for the recap, and for continuing!! I appreciate your thoughts, the wonderful stories, and the connections that they generate from my own life and ministry. Blessings for the New Year!!

    1. I’m grateful, Don, for your encouragement, friendship, and how my stories cause you to ponder your own anew. Happy New Year!

  16. Alice

    As an avid fan of your challenging sermons over the years, I was thrilled when you found this new ministry!! Your words continue to inspire, challenge, bring tears and laughter and maintain your presence in my life. I noticed that NJ wasn’t listed in places your blog has reached, but I’m happy to say that it has, and I look forward to another year of written blessings. Happy New Year to you and Lori!

    1. Thanks for your continued encouragement, Alice, and kind words. I hope you have a wonderful 2025!

  17. Bob Vernon

    Your blog comes at a particularly important and helpful time in the lives of the Vernon family.

    1. Thank you for those kind words, Bob. I’m glad that they have been of help to you all. Blessings as 2025 unfolds!

  18. James L Thompson Jr

    John, I am so glad to receive the statistical feedback on the successful outcome of your blessed blog. Unsurprisingly, I and many others receive your offerings as unselfish brilliance topped with extraordinary grace. A catchy title that is ambiguous too because Grace is never ordinary in my view. I pray that you continue your sermons to us and that each reader is touched in someway as the words continue to resonate throughout the land. Thanks for being my friend. It was no coincidence that we met and it will be no coincidence when your blog serves as international food for thought!

    All the best,


    1. James, thank you for your exceptionally kind words and continued reflection. Your point about grace is well-taken and the appreciation your expression for our friendship is one that I feel as well. Yet another account of God’s gracious work is bringing two people together with different narratives, but shared “LA” roots. Happy New Year!

  19. Amy Anderson

    I look forward to reading your blog every week,John. So heartfelt and meaningful. And being family makes it even more extra special.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Amy. Another bonus of being family is that I don’t ever tell a story about you without permission! Happy New Year.

  20. Rick Davis

    John, so glad we reconnected in person and through OG. At this point in our lives, the reminder that there is such grace in so many of the ordinary happenings in our lives is such a blessing. Raising our awareness to pay attention to them, and the moments in the lives of those around us is a great gift. As you know, I have used several of your blogs in our Fellowship and look forward to doing so in 2025! Blessings to you, Lori and your family in the New Year!

    1. I am grateful for that re-connection too. Rick and appreciate your words of encouragement. It’s also good to know that the posts are being used beyond the initial readers as well. I hope that 2025 is a year filled with blessing for you, that new retiree in your home and all those whom you love!

  21. Delores F Brisbon

    God is the God of surprises. And those acts of surprise are obvious here. Your blog has done much more than hoped.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us-changing perspectives-reteaching God in the details of our lives-helping us to experience and to remember by seeing God through the lens of your life. In my view-you continue to preach. The exception of delivery by the blog postings-allow us to hear, share and respond in ways the pulpit does not.

    Best of all-you continue to offer your gift to the many who are fortunate to read these messages. I forward them weekly to my Bible Class Group-who find ” inspiration, hope and joy”. I want my friends to share the blessings.

    Thank you, John I look forward to 2025 to continue reading. My prayer is in thanksgiving for your response to God’s call in using your considerable gifts to strengthen our journey.
    Blessings for 2025 for you and those you love.

    1. Thank you, as always, for your kind and encouraging words. I’m glad to know that you are passing the posts along to others. While the internet certainly brings all kinds of challenges, it still amazes me how quickly and broadly things can be shared. I’m looking forward to this new year and seeing the surprises of God anew. So grateful for you, my friend!

  22. Cyndy

    Love that it continues to keep us connected!! ⭐️

    1. What a gift to be sure. Happy New Year, my friend!

  23. Nancy C

    Ordinary Grace has “graced the lives of many” and we all are so fortunate. You’ve always had a way with words, John. Thank you for sharing your stories, your experiences, and your words with new and old friends, people you know and people you don’t. Even “bots!’ I have loved reading your ‘musings’ every week and in my head I HEAR you as I remember hearing your sermons years ago in Charlotte. Your blog is a blessing; thankful for you and Ordinary Grace 2025. Happy New Year to you and sweet Lori.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Nancy. I so appreciate you being among my virtual congregation. Happy New Year!

  24. Naomi

    I am inspired by the words you write, how my life changes from what I’ve read and so enjoy the pictures from yesteryear. Congratulations on 1 year! Grateful for the day you handed me the
    Business card for Ordinary Grace! Blessings to you and your family in 2025.

  25. Bobbye

    I am just catching up on the posts I’ve missed. I love that I (we) get a sort of microdose of your sermons! Thanks for taking the time and energy to continue blessing the old faithful and newbies alike! Happy New Year!!

    1. The same to you and yours, Bobbye. I’m so glad you are part of this community, too!